Dear student,
SSC CGLE is one of the toughest exams of our nation. 'Toughest' doesn't mean you cannot do it, it just means you will have to prepare without leaving any stone unturned. If you want to know how to accomplish a difficult task, simply ask the person who has done it many times, or at least once. So, I, Bhuteshpal Suhag, may be the right person to listen to on this one.
To crack any competitive exam you just need three things,
1) good experienced teachers/guides
2) Good study material and
3) Hard work on your side.
To crack any competitive exam you just need three things,
1) good experienced teachers/guides
2) Good study material and
3) Hard work on your side.
So, here I will tell you about second part i.e; good study material. My only criterion while suggesting you is that whether it is helpful in cracking SSC CGLE or not. So, some of it is free and some you will have to buy.
One of the most difficult subjects, but it will be very simple if you heed to my advice. First part is that you learn and re-learn the concepts of all the topics. You can do this free of cost with the help of e1 coaching center's video lectures on YouTube (Click here to visit). And we also provide practice questions in the description of each video. Our free to download Arithmetic Ability workbook by e1 is great for building concepts of arithmetic (link to download is below). After learning these concepts, you should do all the previous year questions of each topic at least twice. For that purpose you can buy one of the following previous year questions’ book:
English, like any language, can be divided into three parts:
- GRAMMAR (set of rules)
- UNDERSTANDING (strengthens by usage)
- VOCABULARY (meaning of words)
Books to strengthen each portion are given below:
- GRAMMAR: You can read High school grammar by Wren & Martin or Plinth to paramount by Neetu or both.
- UNDERSTANDING: You must practice 2 Reading Comprehensions daily from Previous Year Questions Chapter-wise (PYQCW) by kiran parkashan. And develop reading habit. Read at least 3–4 articles daily from any newspaper.
- VOCABULARY: Some portion of vocab like one word substitutions and Idioms and Phrases can be memorized from PYQCW. And portions like Antonyms and Synonyms (in my opinion) should not be memorized but developed over a long period by consistently writing difficult words and their meanings in a separate notebook. And you must revise that notebook daily. Word power made easy is also a must read (at least 1/3rd of starting) book to understand how root words are used to form different words.
Summing up, i told you 4 books:
Most easy and scoring subject for SSC CGLE. But easy doesn't mean that you will not prepare for it. It means that you should prepare for it in such a way that you score full out of full in this subject. As the subject being easy you will just have to learn each concept in detail but just once or at the max twice. After that you can start testing your self through mock tests and keep boosting your score. You just need one book to learn the concepts:
This subject is not difficult, but seems so, because its syllabus is very vast. And it is such a subject that you will never get all the knowledge at one place, you will have to refer to different sources of information like articles from internet (website GkToday is helpful), YouTube videos, coaching classes, NCERT books, discussion with friends etc. But you need a book so that you do not digress from subject, and can keep track of topics which you must cover. So you can buy:
Best way to take Mock Tests:
And after gathering knowledge, you need to test it. For that you will need mock tests. Now let me explain you that Mock tests can be used for two purposes 1) Learning more 2) Testing your efficiency for test. And you need separate mock tests for both the purposes. For learning the tough or remaining concepts after completing the syllabus once, you need mock tests which cover almost full syllabus and for testing your efficiency for final test you need mock test having exactly the same number of questions, and most important, the same flavour of questions, and same distribution of marks to all the topics. For learning purpose I suggest you old pattern question papers to be used as mock tests (because they covered full syllabus as each subject had 50 questions). You should take these tests subject-wise and analyse your performance after taking the test. And you must check the area in which your performance is not up to the mark, and should improve. For testing efficiency for final test I suggest you new pattern mock tests. So, the books given below are sufficient for Mock test needs for SSC CGLE.
Some free but useful study material:
Best of luck for your exam.
Work harder and smarter!
May god bless you!